- Droped mesh jacket / Jaqueta Mesh
- White panties (Normal and Lolas version) / Roupa intima branca (Normal e versão Lolas)
- Stockingo (Normal and Phat/Cute azz version)
- Shoes / Calçado
Where to find
For more information contact: Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
Para mais informações contactar: Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
28 fevereiro 2014
Hunt - Wee Little Leprechaun
Hunt - March 1st until 31rd
- Mesh Collar / Colar mesh.
- Mesh Skirt (5 sizes) / Saia mesh ( 5 tamanhos)
- Body (Normal and Lolas App) / Corpo (Normal e Lolas app)
- Long Black Nails (resizable) / Grandes unhas pretas.
- Bracelet / Pulseira
For more information contact: Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
Para mais informações contactar: Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti.
15 fevereiro 2014
[G] - LaLunna - Phat/Cute Azz
Includes / Inclui
☆ Pants (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz version) / Calça (Normal e versão Phat/ Cute azz)
☆ Hud 6 textures / hud com 6 texturas
☆ Pose Stand
L$ 150 fat pack
L$ 50 each / L$ 50 cada
For more information contact:
Lissa Bohm / Kallyel Rhiadra in world
Para mais informações contactar:
Lissa Bohm / Kallyel Rhiadra
[G] - Fiorelle Pants - Phat/Cute Azz
☆ Pants (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz version)/ Calça (Normal e versão Phat/Cute Azz)
☆ Hud 6 textures/ 6 texturas no hud
☆ Pose Stand
L$ 150 fat pack
L$ 50 each / L$ 50 cada
For more information contact:
Lissa Bohm / Kallyel Rhiadra in world
Para mais informações contactar:
Lissa Bohm / Kallyel Rhiadra
[G] - Group Gifts!
For more information contact: Lisa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
Para mais informações contactar: Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
07 fevereiro 2014
Thrift Shop Flier Full
- The fair has several stores in various styles / A feira tem varias lojas de diferentes estilos.
-With items created exclusively for the fair and even items with discounts of 50 % / Com itens criados exclusivamente para a feira com até 50% de desconto.
- The Glitzz is participating in The Thrift Shop 4.0 ! A loja Glitzz esta participando do "The Thrift Shop 4.0", venha conferir!
- In this pack you will find 2 other packages: / Neste pacote, você pode achar mais outros 2 pacotes:
1. Passion
- The item created exclusively for the fair . Outtfit complete with texture in red satin and lace that contains : / Item criado exclusivamente para a feira. Look completo com texturas vermelhas de ceda e cetim que contém :
* All Clothing layers / Layers da roupa completa
* Phat / Cute Azz applier
* Lolas applier
* L $ 380
Store Location / Localização da loja
2. Gachas in 3 different items / Gachas em 3 itens diferentes.
# Sensual Bow
-18 colors / 18 cores
-( 3 rares ) / (3 raras)
-L$ 30 each / L$ 30 cada
# 2 Sensual BowBoobies - Exclusive to fair
-18 colors / 18 cores.
-( 3 rares ) / ( 3 raras)
- L$ 30 each / L$ 30 cada.
# Delicious Pants
- Delicious Pants - Only for Phat / Cute Azz applier / Apenas para Phat/Cute Azz Applier.
- 15 colors / 15 cores.
- ( 1 rare ) / ( 1 rara)
- L$ 15 each / L$ 15 cada.
Discount Items: Itens em desconto:
☆Alicia Dress☆
-Full Pack Only L$ 250 / Pack completo por apenas L$ 250
-Each Only L$ 95 / Cada um por L$ 95
☆Shelly Earring☆
- Red, Black and Baby Pink Only L$ 30 each / Preto, Vermelho e Rosa bebê por apenas L$ 30 cada.
☆Shelly Necklace☆
Necklace 1:
Necklace 2:
- Red, Black and Baby Pink Only L$ 30 each. / Vermelho, Preto e Rosa bebê por apenas L$ 30 cada.
☆Glamour Stars Facial Piercing☆
-White Pearl, Black Pearl and Baby Pink Pearl Only L$ 80 each set.
- Pérola branca, preta e rosa bebê por apenas L$ 80 cada set.
We hope you enjoy the selected for the fair and check out more items in most varied models with the store items.
Many exclusive creations, layer clothes, appliers for Phat / Cute Azz and Lolas.
Soon we will have to slink applicators!
Esperamos que você tenha gostado dos itens selecionados para a feira, venha conferir mais de nossos itens em nossa loja!
Muitas criações, layer clothes, applier para Phat/ Cute Azz e Lolas applier!
Em breve teremos aplicadores!
For more information contact: Lissa Bohm / Cath Gutti
Para mais informações contactar : Lissa Bohm/ Cath Gutti
01 fevereiro 2014
[G] Sweet Jeans Pink for Jack or Jill Hunt
Sweet Jeans for Jack or Jill Hunt
* Black Dein Top ( Normal a Lolas Version)
* Black Denin Short (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Black Stockings (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Black Dein Top ( Normal a Lolas Version)
* Black Denin Short (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Black Stockings (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
Jack or Jill Hunt
Feb 01st - 28th
Feb 01st - 28th
[G] Selly Red and Piercing Male - Red Heart Hunt
Itens Red Heart Hunt
* Sculpt Cigar
* Nose Piercings
* Sculpt Cigar
* Nose Piercings
* Underwear
* Mesh Shirt
* Underwear
* Mesh Shirt
Red Heart Hunt
L$ 5
Feb 01st - 28th
L$ 5
Feb 01st - 28th
[G] Mistress for Not Your Toy Sale-Hunt
* Látex top (normal and Lolas Version)
* Latex Pants (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Stockings (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Mesh Colar (5 sizes)
* Latex Gloves
* Long Nails Resizable
* Belt
* Whip (Hand and hip Version)
* Black Boots (sculpt Modify)
* Látex top (normal and Lolas Version)
* Latex Pants (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Stockings (Normal and Phat/Cute Azz Version)
* Mesh Colar (5 sizes)
* Latex Gloves
* Long Nails Resizable
* Belt
* Whip (Hand and hip Version)
* Black Boots (sculpt Modify)
Not your toy Sale-Hunt
L$ 10
Feb 01st - 28th
L$ 10
Feb 01st - 28th
[G] Sensual Bow - Only for Phat/Cute Azz
Glitzz Gachas with new items!
Sensual Bow - Only for Phat/Cute Azz
18 colors
(3 rares)
L$ 30 each
18 colors
(3 rares)
L$ 30 each
Come check...
[G] Pasties - Only for Lolas
Glitzz Gachas with new items!
Pasties - Only for Lolas
17 colors
(3 rares)
L$ 10 each
Come check...
Pasties - Only for Lolas
17 colors
(3 rares)
L$ 10 each
Come check...
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